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Courses available to the public

Our scheduled public courses are shown in the list below - all our courses are free, so please book and come along.


N/A means no public course dates are currently scheduled but new ones are booked regularly, so keep coming back to check.


If you prefer, you can arrange your own course at your community centre, workplace or other venue of your choice - click here to arrange a course.


Alternatively, subscribe to our mailing list and we will let you know when the next courses are coming up.

Watch this video of one of our courses!

Flyer 2 (GROUPS) Front.png

Click to download our public  training information leaflet.

Training is free and available to any member of the public, although donations to cover our running costs are welcomed.  Training sessions last between 2 - 2.5 hours and are tailored to the age group and organisation concerned. Click to read the brochure.


The course is delivered as a mixture of practical, theory and video so no previous experience / knowledge is required. At the end of the training, providing you complete the course, you will be presented with a certificate.


Our course covers the DRs ABCD approach to a medical emergency:




Shout for Help



Calling 999 & CPR


Meon Valley Heartstart
Winner - Best Educational
Establishment of the Year 2017 

This website was made possible by a grant from Bishop's Waltham Rotary

Supported by Winchester City Council

©2001-2023 Meon Valley Heartstart 

Bishop's Waltham Parish Council logo

Registered Charity number: 1190496

Supported by Bishop's Waltham Parish Council

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